Rethinking Sacrifice Week 2: Who is your sacrifice for? By: Deacon Phillip Stevenson
Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men… Good day, or evening depending on what time you are reading this. With Resurrection Sunday a few weeks away, I am going to get a little ahead of myself; but I implore you to walk with me. As we picture the Savior on his way up Golgotha Hill; body bloody, bruised, and broken. However, his spirit was at an all-time high. We often think he did this for us (which is partially true), but the number one reason why Christ sacrificed his life on the cross: it was the WILL of the Father. Think about it if you will; Jesus Christ the second member of the Trinity, left Heaven to prove a valid point. Sacrifice for God must transcend human frailty. It must be an act rooted in The Will of God. So fast forward to us, and if you are a member of C4 and reading this you will hear me repeat this often, “Everything we do must be done for the Lord”. We are currently in the seaso...