
Showing posts from February, 2023

2023 Lenten Season Week Two: Blessed Unity of the People of God by Bro. Taji Brown

Blessed Unity of the People of God by Bro. Taji Brown Focus Scriptures:  Psalm 133:1-3             "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." (Psalm 133:1) U. N. I. T. Y. that's a unity. I wonder if Queen Latifah really knew what she was saying back in 1993? "Behold!" This word translates into "Don't miss this!" The psalmist was a true lyrist himself I might add. He knew how to grab our attention right from the "get go." If you ask me, he was letting the reader know that something impressive and remarkable was to follow. Sure enough! The idea of brothers and sisters living amongst one another harmoniously came immediately after. "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place." (Acts 2:1) As God's holy nation, we have to be agreeable in spirit and be joined together as a whole similar to Jesus's disciples. We can achieve this oneness when we...

2023 Lenten Season Week One: Dwelling Together in Unity by Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Philor

  Scripture: Psalms 133:1 KJ V   Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!   Dwelling Together in Unity   As a child, I was not a fan of having a sibling; and much worse an older sibling. My brother and I would spend our days doing anything from watching cartoons to pl aying outside but it would lead to us fighting each other. We were not the kids who loved on each other all day long . We drove our parents crazy because we could not be left alone for more than an hour without us fighting. Between his attitude and my smart mouth, there would be some issue within a short matter of time. Because of this known behavior of ours, we were forced to share a room f or most of our childhood. Despite there being an additional bedroom in the house, my father forced us to share the same living space. He said we needed to learn how to be together and at least tolerate each other. Granted, anyone who lived outside our home who had...