
Showing posts from October, 2021

POWER OF PRAYER by: Rev. Lula A. Baker

  POWER OF PRAYER by: Rev. Lula A. Baker James 5:17b The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous person avails much! PRAYER IS COMMUNICATION WITH GOD WE PRAY TO GOD, BUT IN THE NAME OF OR THROUGH THE ACCESS OF JESUS CHRIST, OUR INTERCESSOR! There are many different types of prayer: Adoration, Exaltation, Petition, Supplication, and Thanksgiving, just to suggest a few. Paul tells us we ought to pray all KINDS of prayers, sing and make melody in our own hearts Colossians 3:16-17 We are to always have an attitude for prayer. He says in Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing! Luke 18:1 admonishes us to Pray and not faint! II Chronicles 7:14 tells us that if the people that are called by God's name would humble themselves and pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways; he would forgive our sins and heal our land!! In the scriptures, Moses prays to know how long he has to live (Psalms 90:12). David asks the same in (Psalms 39:4)! Hezekiah prays for an exten...

The Power of Prayer by Rev. John Baker

Power of Prayer I have been on earth long enough now not to assume anything, so let me begin by talking about what prayer means. In addition to a definition, I will try to express the power of prayer in my estimation. I found prayer to be a solemn request for help or expression of thanks expressed to God on an object of worship. With that being said, let see what prayer can do. Prayer and meditation can influence our state of mind, which then can affect our state of the body. It can help with anxiety, sadness, blood pressure, sleep, digestion, and breathing. It also can influence our thinking. So why then would I begin this blog in this fashion? Simply because God created or formed us to be social beings, meaning that the key to co-existence is communication, just as we communicate with each other. There must be communication with God, which is done by prayer.  However, when we communicate with God, there must be one critical component, that being faith. The scripture reminds us in...

Power of Prayer: There is Two Sides to Everything, Even Prayer! by: Bro. Taji Brown

Power of Prayer: There is two sides to everything, even prayer! Focus Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:15- What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit and I will also pray with the understanding…  In order to recognize the power of prayer, I believe it is essential for one to have an in-depth understanding of what prayer is at its core. Wikipedia sites prayer as “an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship through deliberate communication.” It continues by saying that prayer “refers to an act of supplication or intercession directed towards a deity or a deified ancestor.” I know that may have been a lot to digest, but let me break it down in simpler form.  For starters, prayer is our primary communication tool, which can be used to have a conversation with our Heavenly Father and show gratitude to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Prayer allows you an opportunity to fellowship with the Holy Spirit. During prayer we are able to ...

The Power of Prayer: Rise Up and Pray! by Minister Teresa Robinson

Rise Up and Pray! Luke 22:46 Prayer keeps the spirit calm and connected to God. Praying and staying “watchful” keeps us open so we can recognize answers and keeps us alert to what may be hindering our prayers. I am sure we have noticed that when we do NOT pray, a piece of our spirit is lost and the view of our circumstances suffer. The Power of prayer gives us strength to pray specific prayers that will divert enemy attacks. Question?   What is keeping us from praying?   I’m not talking about a casual, run out of the door, “thank you God, keep me safe”, dash to a meeting prayer, which is needed, but what is keeping us from making an intentional effort to spend time alone with the Lord?   What keeps us from sitting, asking, crying, waiting, listening, watching and praying in his presence?         Distractions, Distractions, Distractions .   During this awful pandemic, we have certainly had many distractions, but we have also, ...