Be Grateful! by Minister Teresa Robinson

When joy and prayer are married, their first-born child is gratitude”

Charles Spurgeon


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18   

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Happy Thanksgiving to you my sister and brother!

I have a question for you, can you be grateful when circumstances are not what you want them to be?  Can you rejoice, pray and give thanks to God when things in your life may be upside down?  This scripture, written by the Apostle Paul commands us to do three things that are uplifting when many things around us may not be uplifting.


We must realize that being a Christian means we are not allowed excuses for not having a grateful, thankful heart toward the God that loved and saved us. Regardless of our past, our current conditions or hopeful future, we are to give thanks! Another Thanksgiving holiday has come before us and while some of us may experiencing the refreshing of God, let us pray for those that have heavy hearts, near empty wallets and possibly be experiencing bodies that are in pain.  Let’s allow I Thessalonians 5:16-18 to encourage us all to Be Grateful and meditate on this word as we walk this scripture out together. Amen!


Rejoice Always!

There are times, as we live, love and serve God our joy may grow stale & cold often leaving the strongest Christian feeling depleted on the inside.  During these times, we need to run to the word in Psalm 51:12 where we also see David in a low place requesting from God that the joy of his salvation be restored!  Our flesh grows weary, our minds get foggy, but we must command our spirit man to rejoice always!  This scripture shows us that we should be able to think on past victories God has brought us through and rejoice!  Although we can’t see God, we know he is always with us and we know that the Holy Spirit will be our comforter when we need him to be. 

We can rejoice because God supplies calmness in the midst of all chaos.


Pray Without Ceasing!

When I don’t have joy, how can I pray?  How can I pray without ceasing?

When we press through the cares of life and allow God to strengthen us so we can rejoice, the Holy Spirit will also give us the desire to pray!  Paul isn’t talking about a non-stop movement of our lips and voice, but this praying without ceasing means that throughout our day our hearts are to be heaven focused and God centered.  Pray for those less fortunate than you, pray for those who are without Christ, pray for family and friends this Thanksgiving.  Pray for your neighbors and those standing on the corners and sleeping on the streets in our communities. Pray healing for the sick, pray for the mentally ill and children in our schools that are bombarded with ungodly challenges daily. Let’s pray they go out and come back home safely In Jesus’ name. Pray for your church and the pastors that shepherd tirelessly.  Start praying and you will see that you will be led to pray more!  Amen!


In Everything, Give Thanks!

The scripture says that God wants us to be thankful IN everything, but not because of everything.  Sister & Brother, we need to realize that no matter where we find ourselves in life today, we are to be thankful!  When we are high or low, we are to give thanks!  If we are rich or poor, we are to give thanks!  If we find ourselves full or empty, sighted or blind, in a hospital room or at home, we are to give thanks! 


One might ask, “what kind of a Christian would I be if I gave thanks when I didn’t feel like it?”  Wouldn’t that seem fake & phony?  No, feelings are fleeting and our flesh is weak. II Corinthians 5:7 tells us that we are to walk by faith and not by sight!

We rejoice by faith, we pray by faith and we should give thanks by faith! Amen!


God’s will is that his children have hearts full of gratitude. Thanksgiving & Gratitude should ooze out of our very beings!  We are to be anxious for nothing, Philp 4:6 but in everything we are to pray as we wait in anticipation for God to attend to our every prayer.  It is not God’s will that we carry sorrowful, hopeless hearts and go from day to day as if he doesn’t see us or care.  We should want to be thankful, we should want to rejoice and we should want to pray.  Our entire lives should be one big continuous thank-offering for all the blessings Jesus has given us! 


On this Thanksgiving Day, let us remember that God sees us right where we are and he also wants us to be grateful right where we are today.  Jesus is aware of our current physical and spiritual conditions!  I want to remind you my brother and sister of something very simple, Jesus loves you!  Whether you are seated around the table with few or with many, if you find yourself in a restaurant gathered together, before you begin to eat what is prepared before you take thought about your past days with God and remember when you were thankful for the victories and triumphs he gave you. Remember to not only bow your head, but bow your heart to the God of Heaven.

Raise your hands high and open your mouth, tell God, “I am Grateful for THIS day!”


Watch God raise your heart and your spirit as this Thanksgiving Day goes along.

Wait and feel God put joy in your heart.  See God already giving you strength to be thankful!  I am sure you will feel the love of Jesus surround you and God’s desire for you to pray and rejoice today!  Watch gratitude spill over and flood your heart! 


God bless and Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
