Lenten Blog Series 2024: Still Focused: Week 2: “Spiritual Focus”: by Rev. Michael Robinson

“Spiritual Focus”: by Rev. Michael Robinson

Fixing our eyes upon Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)

I remember receiving my first pair of glasses as a “New Recruit” in the U.S. Army at- Fort Bliss (El Paso) Texas way back in 1983. The fact that I was handed two pair of military bifocals did not surprise me; but I was astonished at the fact that I went eighteen years not knowing that my vision was defective. Wow! In the eighteen – plus years to that point I believe that I only had one/ perhaps two eye examinations; and I could only imagine how many things I missed seeing correctly in those years.

I’ve wondered also how much we, as believers in Jesus Christ, have missed because we were out of focus spiritually. We are in the midst of the Lenten Season 2024; and I am fully convinced that this is a season of divine revelation and that God is truly speaking. We have noticed that God has been moving in the midst of us His people during our Sunday worship.. I want to encourage someone today that we are “Still Focused”; but there’s simply a need to have our spiritual vision fine-tuned, just as our physical eyes need a yearly examination and perhaps adjusting. We may simply have to “Fix our eyes upon Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

Hebrews 12:2 (NIV) gives us a wonderful word of encouragement. “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.”  The word “fix” comes from the Greek word meaning to concentrate. To fix our eyes on Jesus demands a continuous and sustained action. When we fix our eyes on Jesus we limit the chances of veering to the left or to the right (no political pun intended). The world offers so many things with the intention to entice us to worldly and fleshly stuff and to steer us away from Jesus and the wonderful salvation which we have in Him. Our goal (the prize) is Jesus. The enemy’s desire is that we look everywhere else for our satisfaction.

Our text gives us wonderful motivation when it tells us that Jesus Christ is the author and perfecter of our faith. For us this means three things. First, he laid the foundation for our faith by his death and resurrection. Simply put there is no salvation without Jesus. Second, he provided us the perfect example to follow because he trusted his Father completely. He even submitted His will to His Father’s in the Garden of Gethsemane. Third, He gives us the faith we need even when we feel like quitting. Now I don’t know about you; but there were many times that I felt like throwing in the towel, only to be sustained by His grace. The old songwriter would say: “Your grace and mercy, brought me through.”

The scripture brings wonderful encouragement to those who feel they have lost their spiritual focus. How do Christians lose spiritual focus; you may ask?  The reality is that we live in a world with so much technology where information is more instant than coffee, grits, and oatmeal. Too many Christians spend more time on Facebook, Tik-Tok, X, Instagram, and countless others, than they do praying, studying God’s Word, meditating on God’s Word, and attending regular church worship services. There’s no wonder why the Christian’s growth is limited and the Christian is sometimes ill-equipped and unable to thwart any attack that the enemy makes available to throw at us.

 The availability of so much instant info leads to distractions. A simple definition of distraction is something that turns our attention away from something we want to concentrate on. Though it is our desire to fix our eyes upon Jesus; Satan wants to distract us. Satan loves to distract us, no matter how minute the distraction. We must remember that the enemy seeks “to kill, steal, and destroy” us (John10:10). It is vital that we do not allow the enemy to neutralize our effectiveness through distractions.

Here are three ways we can stay spiritually focused in a world full of distractions:

1.      Be careful what we pay attention to

There are so many things competing daily for our attention: Money, our jobs, the kids, the car, and the crib. In addition there are other things which speaks to our pleasure, whether good or bad. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 12:2 that as Christians we are instructed “to be not conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind so we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” We must spend more time in prayer than listening to other voices around us.

2.      Create boundaries

These may seem so simple; but very important to us. We might want to turn off our notifications. Don’t respond to every little thing and “ding” which comes to our inbox. We should limit our screen time. Redeem the time, because the days are evil (Eph. 5:16). In addition, we must be intentional to take regular breaks from social media.

3.      Set your mind on things above

If we are “to be not conformed to this world”; then we should re-focus our attention on something else. Paul says that we should seek the things which are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Consider things that are lovely, trustworthy, things of good report, etc. Let’s not just stop giving our attention to the world; we must begin to give our attention to Jesus Christ.

Sometimes people may see an optometrist because their vision has become cloudy. When our vision is cloudy, we cannot see God’s plan for our lives. Our theme for 2024 comes from Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”. Let us be intentional about how we spend our time this year. Only when we are still and seated at the feet of Jesus and listening to His Word; we will be able to fix our eyes on Jesus. Allow the Holy Spirit within you to correct your vision so that you will truly and completely know without any shadow of doubt that Jesus remains the author and finisher of our faith. Hallelujah! Then we will be able to shout the victory for every blessing, every yoke which will be destroyed, every burden we allow God to bear for us, every circumstance, and every healing which the Lord brings to us.

As we embark on Lenten Season 2024; and we count the days as we race toward Resurrection Day 2024, please remember to get your vision checked and corrected if necessary. Spiritual vision will allow us to envision the gravity of what Jesus Christ has done for us. Then and only then will we be able to respond affirmatively as to the direction which our Lord directs us. May God continue to bless you richly.
