Lenten Blog Series 2024: Week 5: Be Still My Spirit; God Is Speaking by: Minister Teresa Robinson
Be Still My
Spirit; God Is Speaking!
Minister Teresa Robinson
During this Lenten Season, do you have the assurance that God won’t
fail you?
Whatever you are experiencing right now, can you quiet your spirit and
see a victorious end?
Let’s begin in the Old Testament.
We see the prophet Elijah in I Kings 19:11-12 where Elijah
wins a great victory over the false prophets of Baal. Soon afterwards he is threatened by evil Queen Jezebel and we find him running for his life. Elijah ends up hiding in a cave lonely and depressed. Brought to
exhaustion, he finds himself low, weak & tired.. like some of us are
today. Elijah has opened the door to fear and doubt
and has given the enemy access to flood his mind and spirit with turmoil.
In verses 5-8 we
see God supernaturally sustain Elijah with angel bread and water, Elijah, held together supernaturally moves forward for 40 days and
40 nights. He ends up at the Mountain of God-Horeb and lodges in a cave. When life’s circumstances put us on
the run, we quickly forget the “last victory” we’ve
won with God. Be Still My Spirit; God Is
Let us look at Jesus in the wilderness and
make our New Testament connection.
In Matthew
4: 1-3 we see Jesus being led into the wilderness and victorious
over the enemy with his first proclamation that helps us today! Jesus shows us how to still the mouth of the enemy. “man can’t
only live on physical bread, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of
God”. God can feed us spiritually if we would only still our spirits from the
chaos around us. Chaos is complete disorder
& confusion. Jesus after having fasted 40 days and 40 nights is ministered
to supernaturally by an angel just like Elijah was. Jesus is helped by God and begins to walk out and focus on the mission ahead
of him leading
him to Calvary. In John 6:51, we see who we are to focus on – Jesus tells us he is the
Living Bread that came down from Heaven and that he came to give us his flesh,
his body so that we might live!
Be Still My
Spirit; The Bread of Heaven Is Speaking!
When we forget that Jesus came to be our total sustaining
force we lose all assurance and Peace in life.
We lose determination and desire to hear from God. We allow pressure
from without to invade us within and our minds and spirits begin to chew and
meditate on the wrong things. Our focus
is gone and we can’t allow God to be God!
Whether we find ourselves on the mountain of victory or fighting battles on the same
mountain tops of life; we must not allow fear to destroy our faith! We have to remember that no weapon formed against us will be
able to prosper! Both Elijah and Jesus,
great men of God, their encounters give us the best examples
that no matter who you are you aren’t exempt from troubles. During this Lenten season is your mind at peace? How is
your spirit? Are you focused on the King of Kings or is your flesh leading you
stronger than ever onto a road of confused, anxious, fearful stress? Speak the
work over yourself! Tell your spirit to Be
Still! God is Speaking! Let everything around you
know that the Bread of Heaven has spoken and the word is that we
win! God tells Elijah in verse 11 to ‘Go and stand on the
mountain before the Lord”, which is where we need to place ourselves, outside
of chaos, standing before the Lord, smack in his presence, alone, so we can
hear his still voice quiet as a whisper telling us that despite what is going
on he will be exalted among the nations and he will be exalted in the earth! He
will be exalted in our situations!
Even if we find ourselves standing outside of a cave as Elijah did, or
if we are led into a wilderness situation like Jesus was, we should always be
reminded that God is with us watching over us. The enemy can only go so far.
Let us be assured during this Lenten season that God will feed us and he will
give us strength through his word. When we find ourselves lonely and low, and
when we are enduring trying times let us call on the Bread of Heaven because he is speaking. Can you hear him? It is
time to listen, time to stop moving! Be
still! Know that he is God!
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